Saturday, 3 August 2019

What a busy July!

Our guests off to Forties weekend Woodhall Spa

July proved to be an exceptionally busy month for us up here at Poachers Hideaway, most cottages fully booked!
We have had guests from all over the world visit our little haven in the wolds.

Harvest is here and farmers are reporting a good year for barley. Our wild flower meadows have been baled up for hay, over 200 bales!

For the horses

We are renewing our signage!

We thought it was time to give Poachers Hideaway a fresh new look with something more appropriate and eye-catching. We have commissioned a local artist...

Here is a clue to the content, this is one of the beautiful residents of Poachers Hideaway.

Watch this space and the one down the end of the drive!